Tag: liberdade


A liberdade está ‘Na Tua Mão’. Leonor Silva assinala 25 de Abril

[translated] It has been 50 years since the Carnation Revolution took place and the Leonor Silva Jewellery brand challenges “the Portuguese to reflect on this crucial moment in our history”. Read article >


As jóias também podem ser arma política, diz a 2.ª Bienal da Joalharia Contemporânea

[translated] Jeweller Leonor Silva also transforms one of the symbols of the 25 April military coup, the carnation, into jewellery. “It is much more than a flower, it symbolises the end of the dictatorship and the affirmation of freedom”, says the artist, in a statement. Na Tua Mão [In Your Hand] is the motto for a ring and a brooch

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Leonor Silva: joalheira de intervenção

[translated] What are your causes? Women, always, specially our freedom and self-determination to decide about ourselves. Defending each person’s individual freedoms is something I will not give up on. Read article >